Sport fishing in Costa Brava is great fun with plenty of game fishing targets all year round. From simple family costal fishing trips to off-shore big game tuna fishing or highly technical fishing as slow-jigging.
We can offer you all options to make your sport fishing dear over the water come true..
costa brava
The Mediterranean waters of Costa Brava are extremely rich in marine life and with over 100 km of coastline there are a variety of habitats hosting many different species of fishes, from most pelagic species (such as the many types of Tuna) to a range of costal sparidae species (such as the very sporting Dentex) and the myriad of marine life species supporting and being supported by them.
sport fishing
Sport fishing for the many species that are present in the Costa Brava waters follow the times of nature with most of the species being present within fishing range at different times of the year. The period between the end of summer, Autumn and the beginning of Winter is certainly the best for sport fishing due to the natural life cycles of most fish species and the most favourable climatic conditions. Spring is also a good season for sport fishing, albeit more irregular than the Autumn one. Summer is a bit more challenging for sport fishing not only for the climatic conditions but for the high density of recreational boaters in the costal waters, restricting significantly fishing locations to more off-shore spots.
fishing techniques
We practice all sport fishing techniques that are productive in the waters of Costa Brava, including: off-shore and costal trolling for pelagic species, all lure-fishing techniques (spinning, popping, jigging, fly-fishing), deep sea (with electric reels) and costal bottom fishing as well as shore fishing (surf-casting, rock-fishing, beach ledgering etc).
environmental friendly
We have a strict sporting and environmental friendly policy on fishing. All protected or endangered fish species accidentally caught are (obviously) immediately and properly released (with resuscitation if needed). Other fish species that are caught and are not in any form at risk, can be kept on demand but only limited to the quantity of an outright meal. We believe this is the golden rule to interact with our environment with a respectful and caring attitude, whilst still allowing us to benefit from its treasures in a sustainable fashion.